Lista de UID's encontradas na Internet

Postado por Nivaldo Rodrigues de Lima Júnior terça-feira, 13 de julho de 2010

Se vocês encontrarem UIDs e nao estiver aqui postem como comentário eu adicionarei mais

Coloque 0(zero)x UID
real player: 10005a3e
então ficará 0x10005a3e


-Active File: 0000230
-ActiveFile: a0000230
-ActiveFile2: e0000230
-Active Notes: 10281a31
-AdnotaGeotag: 2000e613
-Adobe2: 2000cd7f
-Adobe3: 2000cd2b
-Adobe Reader: 1020777f
-Adobe Reader: 20001BB9
-advanced device lock: 2000013
-Advanced Device Lock Pro: 2001061d
-Advanced Device Locks: 20000138
-AfterCall 20007d85:
-Agenda: 10005901
-AgileMessenger: 200036DB
-AgileMessenger: 200036DB
-AgileMessenger2: a00036db
-AlarmManager: A0000AF6
-Album Camera: 10200efe
-AlonMP3Dictaphone: A0001286
-AnykeyConf: 1020E4F2
-animated sms: 200045d6
-animated sms: 2000459f
-anim manager: 2000bf1b
-Anti-Virus: 20001C28
-apll.uid viewer: e845dc07
-AppQLunch: a0003d49
-AppMan: 101f7ed8
-app TRK: 200159d8
-appuidviewer: E845DC07
-Assistance: 10204338
-Autolock: 100059b5
-AutoLockSetup: 20003B35
-AutoThemes: 20007d89


-BarCode Reader: 10208ac2
-Battery: f0110105
-BBirthday: A0000C64
-bemused: A0000D6D
-best birtday: 2000fe5f
-BestBirthday: A0000C64
-BestBlacklist: 20012551
-BestDesk: 10273e40
-BestMessage storer3: 2000fe60
-Best Dictaphone: 2000fe57
-BestProfiles: 200095ea
-BestProfiles: 200095e7
-BestTaskMan: A000078D
-bestCalc: a0000790
-BlackBaller: 2000D945
-BlackList: a0000791
-Bluetooth: 10005951
-Bounce: 2000c4d4
-Browser: 101f81a8
-BTKeyboard: 10201D2A
-BtSwitch2: e0004d7f
-bva: 101f4ce5


-Calcium: 80201CE0
-Calcolatrice: 10005902
-CallCheater: 1020152d
-CameraFX Pro: 101f76a0
-capsoff: FCA00010
-capson: FCA0001E
-CardDeck: 10208A47
-Cartolina: 101ff95c
-Catalogs: 102055EB
-cCalc: a43ce6de
-cClock: 2000e09c
-cClock OpenSign: e09c2000
-Cell broadcast: 101f4cd3
-CellTrack: 101fbf59
-centro video: 102750EB3 - 102750E2
-Chat: 101f4673
-Chiam. rapida: 1000590a
-Chiavi att.: 101f85c7
-Ch. video: 101f8681
-Comandi vocali: 101f8555
-Company Directory 2000b012 linea: 200009e0
-Confing Wlan: 10281ceb
-Configurazioni: 101f8597
-ContactGuide: A0001289
-Contact_Transfert: f01fbd20
-Conversazione: 2000b12c
-Convertitore: 101f4668
-Cool MMS: 101fbade
-CoolSMS: 10006b6e
-CORE player: 20012fa6
-Coreplayer: A0000E9C
-CuteKeys: 20007d84


-Device status: 101f4a6b
-Device StatusN73: 22c128c0
-divxplayer: 2000ED5F
-DivxPlayer: A0000BC9
-Download! 9.1: 102741a4
-download 9.2: 102055EB
-Download N82: 20007803
-DocsLauncher: 20002EE4
-DumpRom: e22a83e8


-Earth Explorer: 10201de5
-easy jack v2: 101e2511
-Editor video: 101ffa8f
-E-mailEditor: 101f4cd6
-E-mailViewer: 101f4ce4
-emtube: a0001874
-Energy Profiler: 2000ce79
-EQAltTab: a0003143
-EQShutDown: a0005165
-extgps: 10199d06
-EzSMS: 102093ba
-Expenses: A0002844
-ExtGPS: 10199d06


-FaceStore Snap: 101fedf1
-FarCry 2: 1010311d
-fexplorer: A0000BCD
-FExplorer: 101f7bf1
-Fexplorer: e00012df
-Flash: 101fb456
-Flash Player: 101fd693
-FlashSms: 1020dc97
-FlexiCam: 101fd0d0
-Flip Silent: E66BE0E1
-FontViewer: 10201f78
-ForecaWeather: 2000e024
-Fotocamera: 101f857a
-FreeCertReq: ee861d70
-fring: 200007828
-Frozen Bubble: 10201fe5
-FSCaller: A0000C5D
-FsCaller2: 2000fe64
-FsCaller2b 2000fe63


-Galleria: 101f8599
-Games (ngage): 20007b38
-Garmin_XT: 20006e9c
-Garmin Mobile XT: 20002fb1
-Gestione appl.: 101f8512
-Gestione conn.: 101f84d0
-Gestione disp.: 101f6de5
-Gestione file: 101f84eb
-Gest. immagini: 101ff925
-Gizmo: 10282ef8
-Global Race Racing Thunder: 2001273c
-Gnu_Box: e97764f0
-Google Maps: 2000cea3
-Google Maps: 101BACE3
-Google_Nav_Handler: 2000cea6
-Google Search: 2000a321
-Groups: 101f8f3c
-gtx: f0204b69
-Guardian: 200107af
-GuardianPlatinum: 200131cc
-Guida: 10005234


-Handy Alarm: 20004CAB
-Handy Blacklist: 20007E1E
-Handy Calculator: 2000cec6
-Handy calendar: 20004ec1
-Handy clock: 200013a4
-Handy converter: 20007fab
-Handy expense: 20001113
-Handy Keylock: 20004B2E
-Handy Profiles: 2000A4B1
-Handy safe: 200034d6
-Handy Taskman: 20004ebb
-Handy Weather: 2000139F
-Handy Zip: 200029A9
-Handwave: e030e141
-HelixPlayer: 10009D06
-hello carbide: E84BB912
-Help: 10208a86
-HomeConnect: 10208A0A


-IM+: A0002285
-Im+ per skype: a0001c63
-imageexchange: 2000a289
-ImagePlus: 101f5bbc
-ImageViewer: 101f4d90
-Impegni: 10005900
-Impostazioni: 100058ec
-Info prodotto: 10005a22
-InstantSis: 1020e173
-InteractiveVoice: 20003BE4
-irRemote: 2000c3ec
-iskoot: 2000835b


-JAVA major: 101F86E3 minor 0x1644
-Jbak DEdit: a0004641
-Jbak TaskMan: 200277b1
-Jbak ThePencil: 20011ca6


-KeyLocker: 200095e4
-KMS: 7.0 200112C3


-LandscapePro: e7db38ef
-landscapepro: 20013756
-Language selector: 102832ee
-LCGJukebox: A0000BCC
-Lifeblog: 101FE41A
-LightSabre: ef9bcd9a
-LivePVR: 20006f22
-LivePVR_3rd: A00017E5
-Live_TV: 102750e5
-location tagger: 2000f5ca
-Locr: 2000a600


-MagicMessageManager: a00014fd
-Mappe: 20001F63
-MediaPlayer: 10005A3E
-mediasafe: a70bf1c1
-MediaSettings: 10005a3f
-Memory card: 101f4666
-Menu: 101f4cd2
-MenuEditor: ef460b1c
-Merriam-Webster: 2000226B
-Message Mirror: a00033ae
-Message reader: 10201b00
-message storer: a0000c63
-Message Tones: 20007891
-Messaggi: 100058c5
-Messenger: 20008D9A
-microweather: 20011056
-mLock: 200041D8
-MMM_cxt: 101ffa9d
-MMSEditor: 100058de
-MMS It!: 101fe4e9
-MMSViewer: 100058df
-MobiGenie: 20001862
-Mobile Weather: a0000c98
-MobiReader: 20000d45
-MobileSearch: A00005B2
-mobile weather: a0000c98
-MOBItubia: a0001181
-Mobireader: 20000d45
-Modi d'uso: 100058f8
-Modo: ef6cf8d3
-Morange: a00034bd
-MoreCaps: e4654ea4
-Movie: 200009c1
-Mr Lock: 20008293
-MSDict viewer: F0000FBD
-MSdict: 20000fbd
-Msg Mirror Lite: a00033be
-MsgStorer: 101ff69a
-MSLaunch: 20000907
-msn: A0001603
-MusicPlayer: 06c5b9d2
-MusicPlayer: 10204a0d
-Music store: 101ffb51
-Music Stopper v1.60 : E7138563
-MyIDswitch: a0003eac
-MyNokia: 20004f86
-Mword60: 20002EE3


-Navigator: 200034f2
-Navigon Mobile Navigator: 20004694
-NeoReboot: E001332E
-nice alarm: 20008997
-NiceCalc: 200078be
-Nice_Light: 2000899b
-Nimbuzz: 2000b080
-NokiaAlbum: 101ffd60
-Nokia phone browser: 2002134f
-nokmote: 2000b842
-Nokmote2: e000b842
-Note Attive: 10281a31
-Notepad: 01001128
-NoRedClose: a0001c0d
-NpdViewer: 1000599D
-NSysInfo: a0001746
-NTorch Lite: a0001041


-Office Suite: 20002EE4
-OggPlay: 1000a661
-OnlinePrint: 101FFAAB
-Opera: 2000015A
-OperaMini: 10197354
-OpLogo Changer: 2001683d
-Organizer: 20001864
-Orologio: 10005903
-Own Key: 1020e4f2


-PaintPad: 20021c65
-Panoman: 2000f018
-Papyrus: A0001230
-PDF+: 20000B85
-pen+c: ec41b409
-phone shortcuts: 2000e319
-Phone Guardian: 20007D78
-phone info: 20008762
-PhoneNetInfo2: e0005c36
-Phonepilot: 20003be5
-PhoneWallet: a000284b
-PhotoAcute: 10201c1f
-Photo Editor: 10200f84
-photorite: F00008B1 - 2000008B1
-playserver: 20007b39
-Poc_cxt: 101FD861
-PocketOgg: 20004655
-PowerBoot: 20008a14
-Power Call: 0123b325
-Preferiti: 1000590b
-Presenter: 101f789c
-Printers: 102067bb
-Profiexplore: 10202a28
-Profiler: 20201f4d
-profimail: a0000b6a
-Programma di installazione: 10000419
-ProvisioningCx: 101F8597
-PsilocMiniGps: 20008c14
-PTT (push to talk): 101fd861
-PushViewer: 10008d3c
-PVPlayerGui: 20003EBF
-Pybudzik: e8283945
-Python: f0201515
-Python3rd: 2000b1a5


-QReader: A0000C49
-QuadPicture: 101fe224
-QuickContact: A0001B40
-Quickpoint: 200002C3
-QuickPoint: 101f8d8a
-Quicksheet: 200002C2
-QuickSheet: 101f8d8f
-Quickword: 200002C1
-QUickWord: 101f8d8d
-QO_FileManager: 200002C0


-real player: 10005a3e
-Reboot: 2000b9a1
-Registr. vocale: 100058ca
-Registro: 101f4cd5
-Remind Me: 200050B
-RemoteProfessional: 20010246
-Remove_PALBTN: F0239177
-RescoNews: F0208DCB
-resco photo viewer: 2000737e
-Restart: 01040301
-RiteViewer SP: 01ef0016
-RockNScroll: e6758ec7
-ROMPatcher: e4dd2dcb
-RomPatcherPlus: E0050C10
-Rotateme: 200087b5
-Rotateme2: 200087b5
-Route66: 200034f1
-Route66: 2000cb0b
-Route663rd: a00034f1
-Rubrica: 101f4cce
-Rubrica SIM: 101f4cf6


-s60spoton: a00006dd
-S60Ticker: a0001b5c
-Salva certificato: 100059d2
-Satui: 101f4ce0
-sBirthday: 101f90f8
-scanr: 20003fd7
-ScratchPad: 10182a9d
-Screen Export: 101f8ee9
-ScreenSaver: 100056cf
-screenshot: 20000555
-ScreenshotOS: E0006281
-ScreenSnapS60_3rd: 200043B3
-Search: 101f8f7d
-SecMan: fe503103
-Security Manager: fe503103
-Segret. telef.: 100058f5
-Servizi: 101f8532
-Setting Wizard: 10281c96
-SettingWizard2: 10437948
-SExplorer: A00009BA
-ShakeMe: EFB3C8D8
-ShakeSMS: 20010FD8
-Shazam ID: a2005bcb
-shut up: 20011d3e
-SignSis: ec696702
-Sincronizz.: 101f6de4
-SIS major: 101F86E3 minor 0x1645
-SlovoEd: 101f7736
-SlovoEd: 20001a58
-SkyFire: 2001ffa4
-Skye Caller pro: 20004f1a
-smartcomgps: a0000c91
-SmartGet: A1243784
-smartguard: a00031e1
-SmartGuard2: 20004c11
-SmartLight: a5871628
-smartmovie: A0000B68
-SmartMovie: 101feaf8
-SmartSetting: 2001228e
-SmartSetting: 20001c3b
-SmartSettingMenu: 2000efae
-Smart_Sis: 20000add
-SMS Counter: 101facd1
-SmsDiary: EAAA3012
-SmsEditor: 100058bc
-SMSFace: 102032f1
-SMS FORWARDER: a0001ffa
-SmsManager: 200106A8
-SMSOne: a00029da
-SMS_Plus: 102093bc
-sms scheduler: 20008a70
-SMS Send: 10005b6e
-SMS spam manager: 2000013f
-SmsViewer: 100058bd
-sms wizard: 2000459e
-Snake: 10208a45
-snake95: 2000730F
-Snake EX: 101f4ce8
-Solution: F02078A7
-SOneFakeSMS: 102093bd
-Space Impact: 101f8a5e
-speech: 10201af2
-SplashPhoto: 20001BF5
-Spreadsheet: 20002EE2
-Stampa immag.: 101ffa84
-Stand-by 101fd64c
-Startup: 100058f4
-Stat: 10274473
-StepCounter: 2000e26c
-suonerie 3d: 10201AFD
-SuperScreenshot: a00045d4
-Switch: 101FF968
-Sygic MOBILE: 2000b2d1
-Symella: a0001771
-symella 2.00: 20002043
-SymTorrent: A0001751
-SysAp: 100058f3
-SysExp: A0000BEC
-System Explorer: 042355c0


-Talknaut: EE57B308
-TaskMan: 2000A586
-TaskSpy: 10203127
-Telefono: 100058b3
-Tel. Internet: 1020e566
-televideo: a0000a97
-Team suite: 101f8f3c
-Temi: 10005a32
-Theme DIY: 20004a20
-Themes Launcer: a000332c
-ThemeMagic: 2001640A
-ThemeMagic2: e62a9968
-TIM: 10008d5e
-TimeBar: a0001c0b
-Timer: 20012550
-TomTom3rd: 20003970
-TOM TOM 3d: f0003970
-TomTomMOBILE: 100010f4
-Totalrecall: a000017f
-Tracker: 200095eb
-TRK: 101F7159
-Transfer: 101ff968
-Trasferim. dati: 101ff93d
-Truphone: 2000a718
-TTpod: 20026666
-Turbo MSN: a00001eb
-Turn Off!: 05f4ac79
-TV-Out: 200009b8
-TYscreensaver: a0001c0e


-UCWEB6: A000998F
-Ult voice Recorder: 2000138A
-Uploader: 20002031
-USSD: 10005955
-Utm data: 101b2a9c


-vBag: a00a1bf1
-VibrateCall: 200143da
-video: 102750db
-VideoEditor: 10208A29
-Visual Radio: 101ff943
-VisualRadio: 101FF976
-Voice aid: 10201aeb
-VoiceInbox: 2000013e
-Voice Translator: 20004AF0


-Web: 10008d39
-Web: 101f8532
-WebCam f00075ea
-Welcome: 10281d06
-Welcome DEMO_N95: 20007256
-Widsets: 101c4c4c
-Wizard 9.1: 2000197f
-Wizard 9.2: 10281c96
-WLAN: 10281caa
-WLAN_2: 10281ced
-Window Live Messenger: A0001603
-WMAPlus!: 102753a1
-worldmate: 20000129


-X-plore: a0000bcd
-Xpress Drums: 10141a2a


-Y-Alarms: a000312d
-YaExplorer: 0e7fd4f1
-Y-Browser: A00007A6
-Y-tasks: a000257b


-Zip: 2000023d

6 comentários

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. Desculpem minha Ignorancia;

    -Mais que raios são Uid"s???????????????????????

    -Com se usa truta?

    DEsculpa ai a nooooobice....

    falei pronto

  3. @joe
    UID é tipo uma indentificação de cada aplicativo
    Estou fazendo um tutorial já já eu posto e lá você irá saber pra que ela server ;)

  4. Unknown Says:
  5. OK Aguardando!!!

    Parabens Pelo Blog!
    Passo ao menos uma Vez Por Dia!

  6. @joe
    Eu que agradeço a sua visita =)

    O tutorial como criar widgets para home Omnia precisa dessa lista^^
    ultimamente nao estou postando jogos e aplicativo pois estou tentando arrumar o bug do fundo branco(olhe a ultima imagem do tutorial)

  7. Unknown Says:
  8. Hum tendeu...

    Eh so pra quem baixou essa tal Home Omnia Certo?

    Firmaza Entaum falow...

    To tentando ainda Hackear o meu celllll....

  9. Anônimo Says:
  10. Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!

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